In rare situations, you may have to reset the firmware on a Lavawall™ device, which triggers a re-registration of the device. This includes resetting encryption keys, authentication certificates, and other security safeguards. When you re-register a Lavawall™ device, you will receive an email like this one after some hardware verifications succeed:
After you have verified the MAC address and serial number with the sticker on the back of the Lavawall™ device, click the link to approve the re-registration. This will require you to log into the Lavawall™ console.
Once the re-registration is authorized, unplug your Lavawall™ device's power, wait five seconds, and plug it back in. The initial boot-up will take a bit longer than usual and include an animated LED sequence while the device generates new encryption keys, downloads updates, and configures the firewall with the latest initial settings.
When two LEDs blink in a rhythm like a heartbeat, run a test transaction through the device to set up the firewall for your payment processor. If the two LEDs are in the heartbeat rhythm, this can be done with the configuration switch (which looks like a wrench and a credit card) in either position. After the Lavawall configures itself, only one LED will be in a heartbeat rhythm. Make sure the switch is in the "credit card" position after that to avoid unnecessary configuration attempt emails.
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